30.10.2013 09:48 o'clock |
PRESSLIVE at facebook
Social Media is without question one of the most modern methods of communication. While we continue to hang from communicating to current offers of contributions and Co. editors directly, we will publish for reasons of exclusivity not posts just somewhere for everyone, before the broadcasters have the right of preference for one use, processing and transmission, but yet we are now represented on facebook. Why?
Because apparently you have to be nowadays present on facebook. And should feel about this type of communication also only a few editors / inside addressed more to get in touch with us, for example when it comes to individual contributions and Co. order to us at no cost (which are already do some public and private editors), then yes indeed has its privileges.
So, like to go to facebook.com, search or click here PRESS LIVE, the "Like" - press the button and actually might get one or the other "acute" or provide information.
And can you still should not have taken advantage of and we want to know why we generally provide free post materials that you use without giving PRESS LIVE, charge-and royalty-free, processed and broadcast advertising and still be free? I'll tell you the happy, but certainly not on facebook ...
Tim Kuchenbecker
For questions we are always happy to help.
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